April 20, 2024
9:30am first show
Doors open at 9:15 am
11:00 am second show
Doors open at 10:45 am
$15 - $50
same at the door
Northampton, MA

The Flo-Jam: Bombyx Contact Improv Class & Jam | 4/20/2024

Contact Improvisation is an honoring of every moment. The Class will focus on fundamental physical skills of this partner dance form. Learn to stay in integrity with each choice, never forcing, never rushing. Learn to recognize and differentiate the subtle impulses in our choices and our partner's choices. Begin to decipher the touch cues that we give and receive which tell us when to lead or follow, when to go up, when to go down, how to lift, when to slow down, and when to be still.

The Flo-Jam is an improvisational dance gathering where people explore movement and connection through touch, weight-sharing, and nonverbal communication. It's an open, inclusive non-judgmental space where dancers of all levels come together to create a shared dance experience. The focus is on being present in the moment, listening to one's own body and the bodies of others, and exploring new ways of moving. The music is improvised and the atmosphere is welcoming and non-judgmental. Overall, it's a dynamic dance experience that fosters creativity, connection, and community. Moti Zemelman will teach the class and play live music for a jam session.

The Contact Class will be from 9:30AM - 10:45AM
The Contact Jam will be from 11:00AM - 12:30PM
Tickets are available for the class only, the jam only, or for both.

Moti Zemelman
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