Florence Community Band

The Florence Community Band was founded in April 2001, with their first rehearsal taking place at the Florence Congregational Church (now Bombyx!). They have grown from an initial membership of 10 to a roster of over 50 musicians. They play because they love it. There are no auditions, no dues required, and musicians of all levels, skills, and ages are welcome. They strive to provide a rich social environment to those seeking life enrichment through musical interaction with other musicians and the community. Members of the ensemble range in ability from semi-professional musicians to members who, for one reason or another, stopped playing after High School or College and now have rediscovered their love of music through rehearsing and performing in a community band.

They are proud to have attributed more than 50% of their performance material in 2022 to artists who are people of color, women, and other underrepresented populations.

The FCB is a 501C3 organization, run by volunteers and supported by their community.

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